Veeam just announced 4.0 of the “Management Pack for VMware”, also known as NWorks:
Version 4.0 includes comprehensive end-to-end monitoring from ESX Cluster, to ESX Host, to Virtual Machine and to Applications inside the VM. The nworks/Veeam MP now provides integration of application and service data with the VI3 topology. This breakthrough functionality enables a fully integrated picture, with end-to-end monitoring from ESX Servers through to the enterprise applications, such as SQL Server, Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange running inside virtual machines.
Version 4.0 also includes new features such as CIM SMASH hardware sensor status and alerts, graphical representations of data stores, flexible collection intervals, VirtualCenter 2.5 performance counters, and more!
Included with the Management Pack are:
- A full set of customizable Rules/Monitors for monitoring performance and events
- An automatically created Topology Diagram to provide a visual overview of your virtual environment
- Integration with Microsoft alerting & notification mechanisms
- Integration with Microsoft Reporting Warehouse
The cool thing about this solution is that is doesn’t rquire agents on ESX or any kind of helper for that matter. Veeam “Management Pack for VMware” relies on the VMware API/SDK, which assures that 4.0 is also fully supported for ESXi.
The nworks MP supports the following integrations:
Microsoft Integrations
- MOM 2005 SP1
- Systems Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1
VMware Solutions
- ESX Server 2.X and 3.X, including ESXi
- VirtualCenter 2.0.X and 2.5
When I run a Report (any Report) what’s the difference between I choose Add
Group or Add Object? Because in two options I have the same result.