
Type of Script Description Script
Powershell Schedule a URL into Maintenance Mode
Powershell Schedule a group of URLs into Maintenance Mode
Powershell Monitor File Count inside a Directory (rename to .ps1) psFileCount.txt
Powershell Check age of a single file (rename to .ps1) psFileAgeCheck.txt
Powershell SCOM 2012 MP Backup MPBackup2K12.txt
Powershell Set Agent proxy enabled for all agents in SCOM 2012 setproxyenabled12.txt
Powershell Troubleshooting OpsMgr 2007 and OpsMgr 2012 certificate issues with PowerShell OMv3CertCheck.txt
VB Script Monitor File Count inside a Directory (rename to .vbs) FolderFileCount.txt
VB Script Monitor Age of files in folder (rename to .vbs) FolderAgeCheck.txt
SQL Get your agents back to “Remotely Manageable” RemotelyManageable.sql


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