How to Create a basic Probe-Based SNMP ESX Console CPU Monitor in Operations Manager 2007

1.) In the Authoring pane, expand Authoring, expand Management Pack Objects, and then click Monitors.

2.) Click the change scope. In the Scope MP Objects by target(s) dialog box, click View all Targets, in the Look for text box, type SNMP Network Device, select the SNMP Network Device target check box, and then click OK.
3.) In the Monitors pane, expand SNMP Network Device, expand Entity Health, right-click Availability, point to Create a monitor, and then click Unit Monitor.
4.) In the Create Monitor Wizard, on the Select a Monitor Type page, expand SNMP, expand Probe Based Detection, expand Simple Event Detection, click Event Monitor – Single Event and Single Event, and then click choose a management pack or create a new one and click Next.
5.) On the Name dialog box I called it ESX Server CPU Health.
6.) On the First SNMP Probe for Object Identifier Properties we are going to use (1 minute Load) “.” then select next. (You can also find additional common Linux OIDS at
7.) On the Build First Expression for Parameter Name use “/DataItem/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[1]/Value” for Operator use “Greater than” and then choose a CPU value that you want to alert on. I choose “1” for demonstration purposes.

8.) On the Second SNMP Probe for Object Identifier Properties we are going to use the same thing (1 minute Load) “.” then select next.

9.) On the Build Second Expression for Parameter Name use the same as the first “/DataItem/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[1]/Value” for Operator use “Less than or Equal to” and then choose a CPU value that you want to alert on. I choose “1” again for demonstration purposes. Click Next


10.) On the Configure Health Page Change the First Event Raised to Critical


(So what we are saying in this expression is “If CPU is greater then or equal to 1 set it to a critical State” “If CPU it Less than or equal to 1 set it to a Healthy state”’)

11.) On the Configure Alerts click Generate alerts for the monitor

12.) For testing I downloaded a tool called Manage Engine OpUtils 4 I think any SNMP Walker tool will do. What I wanted to do I query the current Value of the CPU (or OID for CPU)


As you can it is currently 0.03. So the monitor should be in a healthy state.

13.) Currently there are no active alerts on the console.


Now I went to my ESX box and create some activity. A “vm-support” from an ssh session will create enough CPU activity.

14.) A SNMP walk on the object shows the value above 1

15.) There is my alert.


6 Responses to How to Create a basic Probe-Based SNMP ESX Console CPU Monitor in Operations Manager 2007

  1. S December 14, 2007 at 4:26 pm #

    Thanks for the information. However, if I want to have the monitor apply not to SNMP Network Devices, but another group of devices, how to do that? Each time I have tried to define an SNMP Probe Monitor and target it to another group, SCOM just throws up a stack trace error. (I won’t comment on this lack of useful UI feedback).

  2. Christo July 15, 2008 at 6:46 am #

    Hello S,

    Yes, there is a glitch with the targeting – what you must do is create the Monitor as per the steps above, target the SNMP Network Device Group, but disable the monitor. Now you use an Override to Enable it for the Group that you want to use it for. This is the only way I could get it to work on Groups other than the default SNMP Network Device Group.

    Hope this helps

  3. Manu February 19, 2010 at 6:53 am #

    Many many many thanks Man !!
    i’m searching for the “/DataItem/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[1]/Value” variable but i never find it on any website.

    Thanks a lot !

  4. Gautam September 3, 2015 at 6:19 am #

    Hi There,

    Many thanks. /DataItem/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[1]/Value is the real code required for this monitor t owork was searching for this every where but found it here.


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